Installing PHP erlang bridge on centos 6.2

This post is kinda a reference & checklist for me to be used in future, as the installation of PHP Erlang Bridge (peb) wasn’t as simple to follow the installation steps stated in INSTALL file in the source package. If you’ve come across this page by any chance, may be it will be helpful for you as well.

Step 1: Install erlang and this is really easy

sudo yum install erlang

Step 2: Install php-devel package if you already didn’t.  This package will provide the phpize tool that you’ll require to build the peb and any other php extensions) from source

sudo yum install php-devel

Step 3: Download and extract latest source archive of peb from and extract & phpize

tar -xzf peb-0.20b.tar.gz
cd peb_release

Step 4: Now comes the tricky part, i.e. to run configure with special parameters. Find out where is the erl_interface package is installed, which was installed with erlang as a dependency and provides all the library and header files that will be required to configure the build script for peb. Get the first line (the installation path of erl_interface) of following command and use it in following step. I will refer this as {$ERL_INTERFACE_PATH} in the next step.

rpm -ql erlang-erl_interface

Step 5: Execute following command based on the architecture of your CentOS installation

# use this if you have 64 bit architecture
./configure CC="gcc -m64 -L{$ERL_INTERFACE_PATH}/lib -I{$ERL_INTERFACE_PATH}/include" --enable-peb

# use this if you have 32 bit architecture
./configure CC="gcc -L{$ERL_INTERFACE_PATH}/lib -I{$ERL_INTERFACE_PATH}/include" --enable-peb

Step 6: Now follow the rest of the steps mentioned in INSTALL document to install the php extension.

sudo make install

Step 7: Edit php.ini to add the following line

Step 8: Restart your web server (usually apache httpd)

sudo service httpd restart

Now you have installed peb extension and ready to start play with examples explained in peb wiki

Happy erlanging with php 🙂